Country Style

There are always lots of people around at show time. They are attracted by the town’s annual event and come from near and far for a variety of reasons.

Generally, it is an opportunity to show their annimals, exhibit their work, to catch up on old friendships, or just enjoy the fun of the fair.

At a recent Ekka in Brisbane, a group of city kids were heard slinging off at some of their country counterparts.  They were sniggering at the country kids’ high heeled boots, their checked shirts, their broad rimmed hats and even the way they walked.

The city kids couldn’t imagine why anyone would want to talk to a horse, see a pig as beautiful or be proud of a humped-back Brahman.

They were baffled why anyone would want to leave the bright lights, night life and action of city living for, what they saw, as the nothingness of the scrub.

The country kids were taking it all in.  You see, they knew when the Ekka was over, the city kids would leave the noise, bustle and pollution of sideshow alley for the noise, bustle and pollution of suburbia.  On the other hand, the country kids would enjoy returning to the tranquillity of the land, where they could be at peace with nature.

Living in the country may have its limitations, but it also has some peaceful advantages.

I’m Peter Mack and that’s life.

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