
As parents, when we consider the frustrations we have trying to raise our children, most of us feel we are having a far more difficult time today than parents had with previous generations.

I think parents down through the ages have probably all made the same claim, but the role of being parent doesn’t change and kids are kids anywhere in the world.

The environment in which kids grow up is the variable. This usually dictates expectations and it also has a big bearing on the way parents perform their roles.

Until we become parents, it’s hard to really understand the meaning of unconditional love.  We soon learn of the need to be constantly giving of ourselves, our time, our energy and our patience.

Being a parent is usually seen to be the cause of most of our grey hairs and many sleepless nights.  Kids keep us poor; they frustrate us and make us angry.  Yet, they can also melt our hearts so easily with some of their simple, yet loving ways. Their cuddles when we are sad, their caring concern when we are not well and their hand-made gifts and cards on our birthday.

When they perform in school activities, whether they achieve or not, we feel so proud just being there cheering them on.

Deciding to always be available when needed at whatever age lets them know they can be assured that our love and support will always be there for them.

I’m Peter Mack and that’s life.

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