Pay Packet

Sometimes we see our work as a drudge, even an evil with which we have to contend if we want to make a living.

‘Another day, another dollar’ is a catch-cry often heard among many workers.  So perhaps it is a good time to stop and look for a moment at our work life.

The amount of time spent working varies with each of us.  Some people have more than one job, others can only find part time employment and there are many who can’t find work at all.

For those who see work purely as a means of making money, or satisfying their egos or desire for power, there can be little room for dignity or pride in what they do.  They literally become slaves to their pay packet.

Even the dullest job can have a measure of excitement if we could visualise our work as an extension of our care for others.  Perhaps the money we make has a special meaning, if we see it as supporting and fulfilling our family’s needs and helping those around us who we might support through charities or volunteer work.

So, when the going gets tough, or our work becomes boring or frustrating, maybe we could stop for a moment and consider we are not merely making a living, we are also making a giving.

I’m Peter Mack and that’s life.

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