
Sometimes, when we find we have so many problems surrounding us, we feel that God has somehow deserted us.

This is the same God who, supposedly, has promised to be always with us. We hurt, we cry, and in frustration, we often scream and shout – but it seems all to no avail.  We can see no sign of a helpful loving God.

In the rough times it can be hard to recognise our God, but He is always there.  We will find Him in the tears of the friend who cries with us, or the neighbour who just sits and listens.  He is also there in the warmth of a mate’s hand on your shoulder or the hurriedly picked flower proffered by a loving child.

He is the distant pin prick of light that is often our only hope in the darkness of our desolation.

We should not expect earth shattering miracles to solve our problems.  When the going gets tough we can always look for our God in the love He gives us through others.

I’m Peter Mack and that’s faith.

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