Show time

Some people can’t handle being around noise and crowds, so they deliberately keep away from their local Agricultural Show.

For others, the Show offers the challenge of competition or the opportunity to meet friends and look at beautiful animals and excellent produce.  It also provides the chance to improve the sales of their products, or just a time to enjoy themselves.

For many kids, the Show is just one big fun park.  While for Mums and Dads with youngsters, it can be a time for headaches, sore feet and severe reductions in bank balances.

For those who visit the Show and take the time to look closely at the young calves, baby goats, puppies and newly hatched chicks, you can’t help but come away feeling you have witnessed at close quarters the miracle of creation.

Jesus came that we should have life.  So, whatever the Show means to us, we should enjoy it and know that our friend, the Spirit of the risen Jesus, is in there enjoying it with us.

I’m Peter Mack and that’s faith.

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