
I wonder if it was a morning like this when Jesus chose to rise from the dead?

For the people of Jerusalem still wondering about the events of the previous Friday, it was perhaps just another day.

For the followers of Jesus, it was a day of confusion. Even the women who ventured out early in the morning with oils to anoint the body of Jesus hadn’t given a thought as to who would roll back the rock that sealed the entrance of the tomb.

The soldiers guarding the burial place of Jesus must have felt they had a cushy job – people in graves don’t tend to cause trouble.

Yet in Heaven, I bet there was considerable activity. The excitement in the air must have caused the choirs of angels to flutter a wing or two in anticipation of the moment of resurrection.

Easter Sunday is a day for Christians all over the world to share the joy of reliving a fundamental belief. That Jesus rose from the dead.

Maybe we could put our differences aside and see Easter as an opportunity to renew our common love for a God who died for us all. In so doing, we might just get to love one another as Jesus taught us.

I’m Peter Mack  and that’s faith

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