The Last Supper, the ‘things’

At the Last Supper, Jesus said when we do these ‘things’ we should commemorate Him.

There were a number of ‘things’ that happened, but the two that stand out for me were, one; Jesus giving His body to the disciples and, two; His cementing or sealing of the new Covenant with His blood.

Jesus had done everything He could to prepare the disciples for their future role. The last supper was His final night with them before suffering, dying and returning to The Father. He had even told them they would be helped to deliver His message. What more could he give them to complete His ‘training package’? He gave them Himself to devour His every word and action. “This is my body.” This was a present tense action ‘thing.’

After supper He took the cup of wine and gave this to them to drink. He told them it contained His blood that “will be shed for you and for many.” He told them it was the blood of the “new and everlasting Covenant, the mystery of faith.” This ‘thing’ was to happen in the future.

So, in commemorating these ‘things’ it is important we recognise the ‘mystery of faith’ that they represent. There is no doubt when we receive the Eucharistic bread, we are receiving the body of Jesus. Even a number of scientific tests on sacred hosts have proven a human presence. We say ‘amen’ as our recognition of this fact.

However, when we say ‘amen’ as we drink the precious blood are we fully aware of what this ‘amen’ really means? Do we believe that Jesus the Christ as a resurrected Divine Spirit is fulfilling His promise to be with us forever as part of the ‘everlasting Covenant.’ Do we really appreciate that the repetitious prayer of Jesus we read in John’s Gospel that wants us to be one with Him and The Father is a reality?

If we believe in the New Covenant, then we believe that the Divine Presence of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is with us at all times. It engulfs us. It is not only part of our lives, it is our life itself. If we really believe this, can we live our lives accordingly?

As we commemorate the ‘things’ that happened at the last Supper, then the ‘mystery of faith’ can be mystery no more.

I’m Peter Mack and that’s how feel.

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