Seeing Eyes

Have you ever noticed how our eyes tend to deliver messages about our feelings.  Our eyes can show whether we are happy, sad, tired, excited or just not interested in what’s happening.  They can be bright and alive, cold and penetrating or even dark and mysterious.

Football fans are said to possess only one eye. After a sleepless night, our eyes can resemble road maps that need propping open with matchsticks. I am sure that keeping an eye out for someone can’t be as painful as keeping your eye on the ball or having your eyes glued to a television set.

What we choose to see, can influence who we are.  If we look for the good in all those we meet we will find it, even though a lot of what we see may be bad.  There is no point in ’looking up our noses’ at others we meet, or we will almost certainly trip over something on the ground, which would be an embarrassing sight to see.

What’s the point us wasting our time mindfully engrossed in looking at material on our mobiles or tablets that offers little or no decent education or entertainment value.  Do we see the constant need to keep abreast of the media world as more important than seeing the world around us in which we live?

It seems it’s true, our eyes are the windows to our mind.  So, when it comes to a vote as to what we choose to see – the ayes (eyes) have it.

I’m Peter Mack and that’s life.

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