
Whenever we consider the first Christmas, we generally associate the nativity scene with feelings of peace, joy and happiness.  But let us look beyond the cosy crib concept to the reality of the situation.

Joseph, for instance, must have been a very concerned man.  His frantic search for accommodation for the very pregnant Mary, led him only to frustration and a cave in the hillside.  Not the most sterile environment for the birth of a baby.

Mary, knowing her time was near, would have needed all the faith she possessed to accept that she must bring her special child into the world on a bed of straw, in a cave used to shelter animals.

And what Father would not be devastated to hand over his son, knowing the pain and suffering he would have to endure?  Our Heavenly Father knew there was no other way to redeem mankind, so there must have been agony in his heart when he gave us Jesus, as the world’s first Christmas present.

Maybe we could stop for a moment and in our mind recreate the birthplace of Jesus.  Gently, we could bring any problems we have in our life to the new-born Saviour and lie them beside the infant in the straw.

Our Christmas will be complete, if we can freely give our burdens to the infant Jesus in the crib, knowing that only He has the power to convert our problems into the peace, joy and happiness associated with the Season.

I’m Peter Mack and that’s faith.

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I think it might be about time we stopped our busy life for a bit and got down to some serious thinking.

If we really believe there will be nothing after death, then I believe we’re kidding ourselves, and what’s more I think we might be in for a big shock.

Simply put, we instinctively know the difference between good and evil and we are able to choose which path in life we follow.

Many of us find it difficult to recognise that God exists in our busy world. Many have a deep-seated belief, but see the issue as being too complex to get concerned about. Maybe we might be a bit frightened to think too deeply!

Maybe we think God couldn’t possibly love us because of some misdemeanours in our past or maybe we blame God for something that has happened in our life that has left us scarred.

Whatever the reason, perhaps it’s time we get around to facing reality. Yes! Jesus did exist. He suffered and died that we might have eternal life. Because he rose from the dead, he lives within each one of us. He wants us to see Him as a friend who will walk with us through the good and the bad times.

Let‘s reach out and allow our God to embrace us just as we are, with all our problems and failings. Let’s feel free to allow our God to walk with us on the rest of our journey through life.

I’m Peter Mack and that’s faith.

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Our motor car has become such an important part of our modern lives.  I am sure we wonder how we would survive without it.

Our vehicle is often seen as an extension of ourselves.  We clean it, care for it, protect it and maintain it.

We ensure our car is serviced regularly and we find it a great source of enjoyment and invaluable as a work vehicle and also our major means of transport to do the shopping, pick up the kids or head off on holidays.

When you come to think about it, our car is very much like our Church – except the Church won’t break down or run out of fuel.  Going to Church does not require a renewal of registration each year, a road worthy certificate or an expensive insurance policy.

However, at our Church we can obtain a free comprehensive insurance policy which offers considerable personal benefits in the event of death.

Roadside service is available 24/7 provided along with free help to make any necessary repairs when required.  In addition, there are regular weekly maintenance programs available along with on-going support to help us survive our personal journey.

If we think having a car is one of the greatest things in our life, then attending Church has got to be the best thing to happen to us since Adam was a boy.

I’m Peter Mack and that’s faith.

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Breathtaking 2Occasionally in our life, situations occur which have the capacity to literally, take our breath away.

It could be a moment of total peace, when we watch in awe as the sun pierces the early morning mist to announce a new morning.

Maybe we might be confronted by a scene so horrific, we can not even bear to think about it years later, without experiencing a cold clammy feeling all over.

If we had been present at the tomb on that first Easter Sunday morning and were able to experience the wonder and magnificence of Jesus rising in majesty, I am sure that scene would have taken our breath away.

Even as we celebrate the new life of Easter by giving each other eggs, it is quite humbling to realise that by rising from the dead, Jesus brought life back to us. A life that promises an eternity of happiness, if we can only believe in Him and accept Him in our world.

That sure takes my breath away!

I’m Peter Mack and that’s faith

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There is always one puppy in the litter which is different to the others.

Maybe it is a bit ugly or clumsy, but whatever the reason, it usually gets shunned by the others and is forced to fend for itself at an early age.

Such a puppy was our family pet, whom we called Boof.  His name was short for Boofhead, which seemed appropriate at the time as all the other puppies went to good homes.  No one wanted him and we couldn’t even give him away.

As it turned out we got to love Boof because he was different. We kept him ourselves and he became a most loyal and dedicated family pet.

Jesus was a radical sort of a bloke.  For Christians he is seen as the Messiah. For most others he is at least respected as a prophet.

Jesus was different because he failed to conform with many of the accepted issues of His day.  He wanted us to love and forgive instead of seeking self-satisfaction and revenge.

He was rejected by many, deserted by his friends and eventually killed for his beliefs.  Boof, on the other hand lived to a good age, was loved by us all and we never regretted keeping him.

I’m Peter Mack and that’s faith.

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Beaches 3

Many people head off to the beach when the temperature soars and the ocean seems to beckon, inviting us to cool off and relax.

The beach has much more to offer us than social interaction between sunbaking bodies, competing sandcastle construction companies and the pervading smell of coconut oil, cooking on reddened skin.

Let the beach call you when it is raining and everyone else has disappeared to the comfort of their lounge rooms and TV screens.

Let the rain beat on your face, refresh your skin and clear your mind of all those life’s little worries we carry around with us.

Let the beach call you before the sun rises, when the sky is heralding a new day. When the overnight tide has washed the human evidence of yesterday’s activities from the sand, and the crabs are busy rebuilding their homes.

In this sublime setting, let us seek the courage to learn from yesterday’s mistakes, so we can have the hope and strength to face what today has to bring.

Let the serenity of the beach, the never-ending movement of the sea and the majesty of creation all around us be a reminder of the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu’s saying, ”Great indeed is the sublimity of the Creative, to which all beings owe their beginning and which permeates all heaven”.

I’m Peter mack and that’s faith.

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On winter mornings, people late for the train often park their cars in a hurry and forget to turn off the headlights. By the time they return from work in the evening, the car battery is flat and of course, the car won’t start.

Sometimes we can find a similar situation occurring within our own body.  During our busy lives, we sometimes forget we need to switch off from the world occasionally in order to replenish our inner power supply.

It is so easy to forget our human batteries will fail to support us unless we keep them topped up with love, prayer and good works.

If we want to keep our motors running smoothly and shine for all those we meet, it is a good idea to provide regular maintenance to keep ourselves in good working order. A saying from the Quran is, “Sufficient is your Lord as a guide and helper”. So, If our spiritual battery is actin’ up ornery, it is no good hollerin’ for a marshall.

However, a short chat to the source of all our power will soon charge us again.

By the way, there is no call out, or after-hours charge, for this special service.

I’m Peter Mack and that’s faith.

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Aussie Christians

As Australian Christians, we should seriously consider waking up from our complacency!

Our life is slowly eroding away and yet we keep finding excuses to keep busy.  It is as if we are frightened of what might happen to us if we were to stop and ask ourselves what our life here in Australia is really all about.

We need to cast off the apathy that abounds in this sun-drenched country of ours and realise that as Christians we all have a responsibility to take the Gospel to others.

We often feel uncomfortable, and may even find it embarrassing talking about our Faith, because it is not seen as the ‘Australian thing to do’. Religion and politics are taboo subjects at most barbecues.

Yet our mission field needs to start at home, where many of those with whom we mix don’t know or don’t care about the Jesus who loves us all.

I think we need to wake up from our lethargic approach to life now, before it’s too late.  We know we will have to account for our actions at the final judgement and there will be no one to blame for our apathy but ourselves.

Let us start in a small way by just using some of the gifts God has so generously given each of us in whatever way we can to help others others.  This way we can become responsible Christians and ensure that future generations of Australians will learn and benefit from our actions.

I think it’s time we accepted the challenge!

I’m Peter Mack and that’s faith.

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A few days alone on an island. This was a dream I have had since, when as a boy, I read the story of Robinson Crusoe.

The Australian tropical bush was here behind me. The bent coconut palms edged the golden sand along the beach and the clean turquoise sea extended out to the edge of the offshore reef where it met a cloudless sky.

Yes! I was alone, but in reality, this was far from the truth.

Birds glided overhead squawking among themselves, possibly discussing whether this invader of their territory was friend or foe.

The industrious sand crabs, busily cleaning up after the ebbing of the tide, seemed unconcerned by the foreign footprints around their homes.

Three dolphins ducked and weaved as they played together in the deeper water and on a distant hill, I could see a family of wild goats negotiating the rocky outcrops in their search for lunch.

Later, when the summer rainstorm poured its refreshing wetness on the island, I enjoyed being saturated and raised my dripping head to heaven in thanks.

I believe we are never alone in this world. The wonders of our Creator surround us and we will be showered with blessings if we will just recognise this presence in our life.

I’m Peter Mack and that’s faith.

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Our stay on this earth must only be seen as temporary. Yet we go around each day, often without even a thought about our eventual destination.

It’s not until we are personally confronted by some one close to us who has died that perhaps we realise how fragile is our existence.

Such an occasion may give us the opportunity to ask ourselves whether we’re prepared to meet our maker should the situation arise.

There is no point in laughing away the occasion with comments like “only the good die young” or “it could never happen to me”. We are constantly placing our lives in the hands of others. We put our total trust in train and bus drivers, aeroplane pilots, motor mechanics, electricians, taxi drivers and the like.

Yet we often shy away from trusting our maker who, has an accident free record and is offering a guaranteed life after death insurance policy at no cost. And we don’t even have to write away for a prospectus.

Too good to be true you might say. Well. why not give it a try. Eternity is a long time to be kicking ourselves that we didn’t get around to sorting ourselves out during our lifetime.

Let’s ensure we get our long term insurance policy up to date.

Peter Mack

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